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Sorck Modell

SORKC Model: An Extension of Operant Conditioning

Understanding the SORKC Model

The SORKC model is a behavioral analytic framework developed by Frederick Kanfer and Gary Saslow in 1969. It is an extension of the principles of operant conditioning, specifically focusing on the role of cognitive and social factors in shaping behavior.

Components of the SORKC Model

The SORKC model consists of five key components: * Stimulus (S): Antecedent environmental cues that trigger a behavior. * Organism (O): The individual whose behavior is being analyzed. * Response (R): The observable behavior that occurs. * Knowing (K): Cognitive processes and self-statements that influence behavior. * Consequences (C): Outcomes that follow a behavior and affect its likelihood of being repeated.

Application of the SORKC Model

The SORKC model is used to explain and modify behavior by identifying the specific factors that influence an individual's actions. It is widely applied in various settings, including: * Psychotherapy * Organizational development * Educational psychology


The SORKC model provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the complex interplay of environmental, cognitive, and social factors that shape human behavior. By incorporating these elements, it offers a more nuanced approach to behavioral analysis and intervention than traditional operant conditioning models. Understanding and applying the SORKC model can empower individuals and professionals to effectively address behavioral challenges and promote positive change.
