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A Hidden Threat

X-Men 97 Post-Credits Scene: Apocalypse Returns

A Hidden Threat

As the credits roll on the season finale of "X-Men 97," a cryptic post-credits scene flashes onto the screen, transporting viewers back to a pivotal moment in the series' timeline. The scene reveals a young Apocalypse, his powers still nascent, encountering Professor Xavier and his students. This encounter marks the beginning of a long and complex rivalry between the two, hinting at the catastrophic events that lie ahead in the future.

Apocalypse's Agenda

Apocalypse, an ancient mutant with unparalleled control over genetic manipulation, has been a constant antagonist in the X-Men universe. In the comics, he seeks to reshape the world according to his distorted vision, shaping humanity into a race of superpowered beings. The post-credits scene in "X-Men 97" suggests that Apocalypse's ultimate plan extends beyond the present day, setting the stage for a potentially explosive confrontation in Season 2.

Gambit's Betrayal

One of the most striking moments in the post-credits scene is the revelation that Gambit, a fan-favorite X-Men character, appears to be under Apocalypse's control. In the comics, Gambit has a complex history with Apocalypse, having been manipulated by the ancient mutant to become one of his Horsemen of Death. The scene hints that a similar fate may befall Gambit in "X-Men 97," foreshadowing a potentially heartbreaking betrayal that could divide the X-Men.


The post-credits scene of "X-Men 97" leaves viewers with a haunting sense of foreboding. It weaves together threads from the show's mythology, hinting at the looming threat of Apocalypse and the potential betrayal of a beloved character. As the credits fade into darkness, one question lingers in the air: will the X-Men be able to withstand the challenges that lie ahead and protect the future they have fought so hard to forge?
